10/02/2022 / By S.D. Wells
The vaccine industrial complex (VIC) has pushed out the same propaganda for decades about the “safety and efficacy” of toxic jabs, always claiming the risks outweigh the benefits, but the pandemic mRNA jabs are by far a much greater risk than any so-called “vaccines” ever administered in history, and this has been known long before the SARS-CoV-2 scamdemic began in 2020.
In fact, lab animals (ferrets) vaccinated with rMVA-S and then exposed to SARS-CoV suffered liver damage from elevated levels of a specific enzyme, and this was discovered by researchers in Canada way back in 2004. That’s 16 years before the Wuhan virus was released from labs in China, and 16 years before the toxic mRNA jabs were “rushed” to market at warp speed. It’s all been planned, and the damage caused to vital organs by the vaccines has been well-known for almost two decades.
SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome. Way back in 2004, Canadian researchers were working on developing a vaccine for SARS and started testing it on ferrets in laboratories, as reported in the Journal of Virology, when they found hepatitis in the ferrets and began urging extreme caution for other investigators working on SARS vaccines.
The study was led by a senior vaccine developer from the Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Microbiological Laboratory, where a SARS vaccine was created from recombinant modified virus (rMVA) with the specific spike protein that marks the SARS-CoV coronavirus.
The trial vaccine experimentation was conducted at a Biosafety Level 4 lab in Winnipeg and was referred to as rMVA-S. The lab animals also received booster shots 2 weeks later. At the time, the SARS virus had already infected over 8,000 people, killing nearly 10% of them between November of 2002 and July of 2003. After the booster shots were injected into the ferrets, the researchers discovered the animals contracted SEVERE hepatitis and suffered liver damage.
This severe hepatitis and liver damage was documented well, and the lead author of the study warned the entire vaccine community that, “Extra caution should be taken in proposed human trials of SARS vaccines due to the potential liver damage from immunization and virus infection,” and added, “For future human vaccine development, we must pay attention to that effect.”
Why should health investigators and reporters have to dig so hard to find out about these type of studies that forewarn the world of science, vaccines, doctors and patients alike, about the inherent dangers of recombinant vaccines for SARS?
Who will be held accountable for this, now that the research is exposed and the Covid vaccine manufacturers and pharma shills pushing them are also exposed? How many people have already been injured and/or died from vital organ damage and failure due to spike proteins from the gene therapy injections for the Wuhan Flu? The number of deaths from the Fauci Flu jabs are now estimated in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.
One of the main reasons these vital organs are devastated by the SARS vaccines is due to spike proteins that travel throughout the vascular system, rather than just remaining in the muscle tissue at the site of injection, as the CDC and VIC would have us all believe. The spike proteins mimic the virus, so the immune system tells your cells to attack them, no matter where they are. That’s when vital organs like the liver, kidneys and pancreas come under attack and either become diseased, shut down or both.
Cases of idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury are being reported where the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccine was injected into humans. These cases show (hepato) cellular liver injury with negative autoimmune features, progressing into severe jaundice, a medical condition typically caused by OBSTRUCTION (think spike proteins here) of the bile duct.
The cases of liver damage on record from clinical trials were for people with NO PRIOR history of liver disease, and the jaundice was notable by symptoms (tea-colored urine) less than one week after vaccination, and for one victim just 2 days after vaccination. Also important to note, these patients were not on any medications or herbal or dietary supplements, and had no prior system allergic features to the vaccine ingredients.
In conclusion, the researchers hypothesized that the severe jaundice was induced by the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA vaccines and this condition was termed vaccine-related, drug-induced liver injury (DILI), due to the short latency period and clinical course after administration of the vaccine.
In the USA alone, the CDC ‘wonder’ database has reported nearly half-a-million Covid jab-related adverse events, and 79 of those cases showed symptoms of jaundice after receiving the deadly mRNA injections, suggesting vaccine-related DILI. Most likely, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of mRNA victims suffering liver damage due directly to the mRNA jabs, but they either haven’t reported it to VAERS, or their MD blamed anything but the vaccines.
Now, science and research show that mortality rates since the pandemic broke are highest among the vaccinated, and highest among the triple-vaxxed, ‘boosted’ masses. Spread the word about this tragedy and help the populace find the research that reveals these mRNA jabs are very dangerous, and the risk far outweighs the benefits, if any.
Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis and severe, chronic inflammation.
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Tagged Under:
big pharma news, conspiracy, corruption, covid death, covid jabs, covid vaccines, deception, immune system, jaundice, liver damage, liver injury, medical violence, mRNA, SARS, SARS-cov, spike protein, truth, vaccine damage, vaccine death, Vaccine deaths, vaccine injury, vaccine war, vaccines, wuhan flu
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