07/07/2020 / By Lance D Johnson
New York City is currently outlining several reforms to law enforcement operations, holding police officials accountable to the people they serve. The crackdown on police brutality and illegal law enforcement activity might be long overdue, but what about the people who make the laws?
What about the governors who abuse their emergency powers and restrain the liberty of the people using medical edicts? Why aren’t we watching them more closely, especially when they give medical orders? If cops have to wear body cameras, why shouldn’t lawmakers and out-of-control governors wear them too and be held accountable when they use excessive force?
All Senators, members of Congress, governors and their cabinet members should be required to wear body cameras 24/7, and upon request, release all the videos to the public within thirty days, for transparency.
That’s exactly what NYC police officials must do now – release their body cam footage within 30 days after they were involved in discharging a weapon. If we are to keep law enforcement accountable, why aren’t we doing the same for the people who make the laws?
If an officer uses force, he must release footage of the incident. If a lawmaker passes a law that uses force to take away a person’s religious or philosophical exemption to injections, the public needs to see when, where, and why they did, so they can be held liable. A governor who holds his state hostage and restricts fundamental liberties until a vaccine is required, is using excessive force to threaten the livelihoods of everyone in the state. He/she should be held not only accountable, and watched closely, but he/she should also be held liable for such a coercive act.
A body cam would help us see which pharmaceutical reps he met with. We’d learn more about his own financial stake in the matter, how he stands to profit from widespread medical testing, contact tracing programs, and coercive vaccination schemes. We might see where he and his family travel after he ordered all the residents of his state to stay under strict, stay-at-home orders.
A body cam would help us see behind the scenes and learn more about who actually runs Congress. We’d find the real puppeteers behind the curtain, the ones who pull all the strings and perpetrate the problems on We the People. With enough body cam footage, maybe we’d find out which members of Antifa met with Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan, as she negotiated the city away to terrorists. Maybe we’d find out more about the $100 billion contact tracing deal that was negotiated between Bill Gates and Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) six months before a “pandemic” was declared, allowing that deal to come to fruition.
If we’re looking to protect innocent lives, then we need to start at the source of the corruption, at the congressional level, where force is often applied en masse, where crooked dealings are made between pharmaceutical giants and crooked congress critters.
NYC’s new policy requires all audio and video to be released to the family members within 30 days if a police officer discharged a firearm, or if a police officer discharged a taser that could result in bodily harm, or if the officer used force that results in death.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a June 16 press conference at City Hall: “When one of these three criteria is met, it is crucial that the information comes out promptly, that people have faith it will come out, that it comes out objectively.”
“That creates trust, that creates accountability. That says to the many, many good officers that they know the whole truth will come out from what they saw.”
The same logic should be applied to lawmakers when a new bill is passed, especially when that bill is used to allow more surveillance and tracking of Americans, especially when that bill segregates children from an education and forces people to do things to their body against their will. When the public can finally see how these bills get passed, who pulls the strings; then we will know how corrupt, evil, and tyrannical these lawmakers are, and why they may ultimately be the root of the problem.
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Tagged Under: backroom deals, Body cameras, Congress, contact tracing, deception, force, forced vaccination, governors, honest, hypocrisy, law enforcement, lawmakers, Liberty, medical edicts, negotiations with terrorists, transparency, truth, Tyranny