By Mike Adams
Health Ranger describes the universal solution to hate speech, tribalism, censorship, racism and violence
There is a universal solution for ending “hate speech,” tribalism, racism and violent rhetoric while protecting free speech, but the solution requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about conscious beings. With all the censorship that’s now targeting alternative voices and platforms, many dishonest people on the political Left are claiming that free […]
By Ethan Huff
Remember when school officials denied alleged Parkland shooter the help he asked for? Watch at
The Collaborative Educational Network of Tallahassee recently put forth a report reiterating that Nicolas de Jesus Cruz, the perpetrator behind the massacre that allegedly took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, Florida, back in February, was denied the help he needed and asked for from officials at his school – help […]
By Ethan Huff
PROOF that public schools are terrorist training camps: Watch this black student assault a white science teacher with extreme violence and verbal abuse
Cursing at, violently threatening, and physically assaulting a teacher by grabbing his neck is an expulsion-level scenario that, in most cases, would likely also result in criminal charges being pressed against the student perpetrator – unless, of course, that student perpetrator is black, and the teacher victim is a white-guilted social justice warrior (SJW). This […]
By Ethan Huff
Making The Netherlands Great Again! clip exposes authoritarian control over Dutch media
The United States isn’t the only country in the world where media censorship is a rampant problem. The Netherlands appears to be even worse, with very few alternative or independent media outlets telling it like it is – mostly because the nation’s government doesn’t allow this. In a recent video on his “Make Netherlands Great […]
By JD Heyes
Gun “waiting period” leads to a New Jersey woman being murdered… no outcry from the liberal media
The Leftist media are fond of saying they have support for and sympathize with those who are most defenseless in the face of evil, but they’re also the first ones to support depriving defenseless citizens of the means to adequately protect themselves when they’re in danger. The media’s knee-jerk support for Democratic anti-gun policies belies […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL CONFIRMED: Broward County deputies were *ORDERED* to stand down… then all radio communications were cut off while the shooting continued
A major media bombshell is now confirming the shocking truth that Natural News reported first: Deputies were ordered to stand down and avoid entering the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, even as the shooting was taking place. This irrefutable fact has been maliciously labeled a “conspiracy theory” by the fake news media (CNN, etc.), but […]
By Mike Adams
Five MORE things that don’t add up about the Las Vegas massacre… Where is all the expended brass?
Um, excuse me for a moment here, but I have a really stupid question. I know you told me there’s no such thing as a stupid question, but this one seems really stupid anyway. The media has released photos of guns and ammo magazines laying around on the floor of the supposed “sniper’s nest” hotel […]
By Amy Goodrich
Holistic doctor gunned down outside organic restaurant in Colorado as war on natural health continues
The pharmaceutical world will do everything in its power to protect its cash cow. Anything that stands in its way will be eliminated. In just over one year, more than 60 holistic doctors and researchers have been found dead, most of them in suspicious circumstances. Christopher Bayley King, 49, is the latest holistic doctor to […]
By JD Heyes
Rioters plan to wear hijabs so they can file hate crimes if touched
The far-Left anarchists who belong to the violent protest group Antifa are planning to adopt a new tactic members believe will enable them to use the legal system against anyone who fights back after they start trouble. As reported by Prison Planet, Antifa rioters will begin wearing Muslim veils so that if any of them […]
By Natural News Editors
Top 10 so-called conspiracy theories recently proven true thanks to alternative media, Project Veritas and WikiLeaks
Every day that goes by, more and more Americans become more deeply entrenched and brainwashed into believing what they’re told by their boob tube (television), newspapers, magazines and propaganda-spreading websites, like WebMD, and People become more paranoid and outright delusional about infectious diseases, a Trump Presidency, food allergies and domestic terrorism. People, or […]
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