vaccine ingredients
By S.D. Wells
Are you allergic to peanuts, dairy, latex, MSG, mercury or infected African green monkey kidney cells? Then reconsider what’s in vaccines
The basic fundamental concept of how a vaccine works is homeopathy based, thus treating disease by minute doses of natural substances that, in a healthy person, produce the systems of disease. There’s one massive problem with inoculations in this regard. Today’s immunizations not only contain some natural ingredients, but they also contain the most bizarre, […]
By Mike Adams
HighWire with Del Bigtree joins – must-see interviews on vaccine truth, BANNED on YouTube
The creator of the groundbreaking Vaxxed documentary, Del Bigtree, has joined with episodes from his incredibly popular show HighWire. See Del Bigtree’s full channel at this link: On his show, Del interviews amazing guests like Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Dr. Jack Wolfson (see videos below). Most episodes of HighWire get banned by […]
By Vicki Batts
Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates
The surge of autism diagnoses in recent years has left many people looking for an explanation. Oft-labeled a “conspiracy theory,” or something to that effect, the suspicion that vaccines are a potential cause of autism is on the rise. New research from the Canadian government has indirectly shown that in highly vaccinated populations, autism rates […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine industry in PANIC MODE as *vaccinated* children keep dying from the flu all across America
Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn’t reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients. Make no mistake: If only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu, that would be the headline everywhere: “Unvaccinated Children Dying Across America” or […]
By Mike Adams
BOSTON RALLY this Thursday to target the Boston Herald for stating that vaccine skeptics should all be “hanged to death”
After the Boston Herald published an article claiming that scientists, journalists and naturopaths who oppose injecting children with mercury should be “hanged to death,” all hell broke loose for the Herald and its editor, Rachelle Cohen. For starters, Natural News urged its readers and fans to report the Boston Herald to the Boston FBI and […]
By S.D. Wells
President Donald Trump has never had the flu shot… and never got the flu, either – coincidence?
President Donald Trump says, “I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body, which is basically what they do.” If you don’t know it by now, most people who get the flu are those injected with the flu vaccine, year after year after year. The influenza vaccine insert tells you in plain […]
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