News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Instead of adding PINK RIBBONS to products for “Cancer Awareness” month, companies should actually remove the ingredients that CAUSE cancer
The Cancer Industrial Complex of America loves to stick, print and pin pink ribbons on millions of products during “Cancer Awareness” month, and often on products that contain carcinogens that cause cancer in the first place, like fried chicken and alcoholic beverages loaded with sugar, artificial flavoring, and even diet drinks laced with aspartame. It’s […]
By S.D. Wells
The truth about DIRTY VACCINES and the news about them that is scrubbed and censored from internet searches
Most people believe that whatever they search for on Google brings them back legitimate results, but when it comes to health and safety, with regards to food and medicine, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there may not be any “medicine” in this world that’s more dangerous and damaging to short-and-long-term health […]
By S.D. Wells
The REAL REASON Democrat politicians are making marijuana legal, after all these years, would surprise you
Marijuana, also known as “weed,” is a psychotropic drug that has, for the most part, been illegal in America for decades and even nicknamed the “gateway” drug that leads users to the heavy stuff like meth, cocaine and heroin. A psychotropic or “psychoactive” drug is a mind-altering or conscious-altering substance that changes perception, mood or […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 Kommie Harris “policies” and why Democrats and Liberals should RECONSIDER their vote before it’s too late
Yes, we know, you hate Donald J. Trump with every ounce of your being, because the media has you convinced he is a white supremacist dictator who is a threat to democracy and everything you hold dear, including gay rights and women’s right to have an abortion until the day the baby is born. Most […]
By S.D. Wells
JOE ROGAN interviews TRUMP: The likely next POTUS directly addresses NUTRITION and HEALTH
Bad health is trending in America. More than 50 percent of Americans are prediabetic or diabetic, 75 percent are overweight or obese, and one in every three Americans has some form of cancer. What president has ever addressed these health atrocities that are getting worse faster than ever, especially since the Covid clot shot roll […]
By S.D. Wells
MOST HEALTH-DAMAGING OIL? Canola oil in most processed foods linked to rapid weight gain, early onset dementia, cancer
Canola oil is not equivalent to other oils, and this is an assumption made by millions of consumers across the globe. Many folks believe if they buy foods that contain organic canola, they are avoiding the health pitfalls they may have read or heard about conventional canola, but they are not. The main issue lies […]
By S.D. Wells
Japanese scientists find ABORTION DRUGS in the VACCINES pushed on them by Bill Gates, now warn they may charge him with crimes against humanity
Is mRNA nanotechnology a weapon of mass destruction that causes pregnant women to incur unwanted abortions? Japanese scientists believe so. The same whistleblowing Japanese scientists were among the first to call out the bogus PCR Covid tests, that gave false positives for Fauci Flu no matter what sickness someone was suffering, from head colds to […]
By S.D. Wells
THE FINAL ELECTION? Elon Musk says illegal immigration into swing states is a blatant Democrat “voter importation scam” and the BIGGEST threat to democracy
America is witnessing a three-phase scheme employed by the Democrats in DC to not only steal the election next month, but to solidify the Democratic Party as the ruling party in America, possibly forever. Phase one began four years ago when the U.S. southern border was left wide open for all illegal immigrants from around […]
By S.D. Wells
WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW: Origin of LYME DISEASE as a likely bioweapon exposed by award-winning medical science writer Kris Newby and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Kris Newby is an award-winning medical science writer and the producer of the Lyme disease documentary “Under our Skin,” which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was an Oscar semifinalist in 2010. Kris Newby has spent two decades studying Lyme Disease after contracting and suffering from it herself. She also authored “Bitten” that won […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 NON-RUSSIAN tyranny schemes and destructive weapons used AGAINST U.S. citizens by the current Democrat-Communist Regime in Washington DC
The United States Fake News Industrial Complex and the Communist-Democrats in Washington DC love to blame Russia, Russia, Russia for every evil plot, scheme, scamdemic and catastrophe to strike the United States, but the truth of the matter is that nearly all of this has been what truth news refers to as an “inside job.” […]
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