News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
10 most evil people in the world today who lie about science, pharmaceuticals and GMOs
Are all politicians heartfelt people who only help their countries prosper and who only protect their people from harm? Of course not – so why then would you believe that every doctor only practices honest medicine and only prescribes what is thoroughly tested as “safe and beneficial” for his or her patients? Does every builder, […]
By S.D. Wells
The Polio vaccine never did work as we were promised – here’s how Big Pharma pulled off the biggest medical scam in American history
What you probably don’t know about Western Medicine is that infectious diseases virtually disappeared before vaccines were ever invented. Since the early 1900s, it has been a known scientific fact that an animal that survives an attack from poliomyelitis becomes resistant to subsequent infections forever. It’s also a known fact that polio is one of […]
By S.D. Wells
Gizmodo wants you to DIE of radiation: Attacks humanitarian scientist who wants to donate anti-radiation patent to the world
The headline of a character assassination attempt article by a writer at Gizmodo reads, “Google Blacklists Natural News, the Web’s Leading Authority on DIY Ebola Vaccines.” Yes, Matt Novak, a journo-whore who is in love with Hillary Clinton and formerly wrote for BuzzFeed (the ultimate “science” crony liberalist-extreme huckster and shill site), is now a shill for […]
By S.D. Wells
BuzzFeed hates humanity; maliciously smears humanitarian scientist who just donated a lifesaving anti-radiation patent to the American people
It is truly anti-science to push cancer-causing food on humans, to say that mercury is safe when injected via vaccines, and to push a global warming hoax that’s based solely on a political Ponzi scheme agenda. Still, that can’t stop Stephanie Lee, a wanna-be-journalist and pseudo-“technology news reporter” who writes an obscene blog for Buzzfeed, […]
By S.D. Wells
Health Basics: What if you found out that most vaccines have never been shown to actually work?
In 2017, it’s easy to assume that because doctors and surgeons are so great at mending broken bones and clearing out clogged arteries that scientists would be just as precise and efficient in the design and testing of immunizations, but what if you found out just the opposite was true? To question something as “monumental” […]
By S.D. Wells
Countless teenage girls suffer paralysis, blood clots, brain damage and chronic pain from force-vaccination of Gardasil’s HPV “shot in the dark”
A sexually transmitted disease called human papillomavirus (HPV) is the only form of cancer known to be contagious, but what the medical community won’t tell parents of teenagers and preteens is that HPV is easily defeated by a normal functioning immune system. Of the 120 or more different strains of HPV, only about 15 are […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine overload disorder is sweeping the nation while MDs are calling it anything but what it really is
The accumulation of toxins in the human body has never been tested by the FDA, CDC or AMA. From heavy metal poisons to chemical pesticides, time is our greatest enemy as Americans pour on, consume and inject more and more chemicals every year, adding to the already chaotic overload of GMOs, fluoridated water, flu shots […]
By S.D. Wells
Scientific American hits new low by glorifying discredited science writer fired by Forbes.com
How can a science website lose credibility any faster than to praise the work of a known biotech huckster and hack? They can’t. Yet, that’s exactly what Scientific American (SciAm) has gone and done, by glorifying the “work” of Jon Entine, the ultimate shill and charlatan for GMO, who also happens to be a racist, wife-beating, corporate fraud science […]
By S.D. Wells
It’s called the “flu shot” so the CDC can falsely claim childhood “vaccines” do not contain mercury
Does anyone ever call the flu shot the “influenza vaccine?” The answer is no. Want to know why? Because, it’s a trick and total deception marketed by the CDC so everyone who suspects that mercury is dangerous, especially when injected into muscle tissue using a vaccine, will assume that it’s true that the CDC removed mercury […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 food and medicine myths you probably fell for at some point
Everybody wants to be healthy, well-informed and financially free, but most of us receive the wrong advice, believe in popular myths, get sick from ridiculous illnesses that are totally preventable and curable, and then spend our money trying to get ourselves “fixed” by doctors who don’t understand a lick about nutrition. All this while we […]
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