News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The most OUTRAGEOUS health tragedy COVER story we’ve seen yet from the Covid vaccine propaganda press
Just when truth media readers thought the excuses could not get any worse for the vaccine industrial complex covering for the Fauci Flu jab injuries and deaths, comes the absolute worst cover story to date. Commercial airline pilots and navigators are dropping dead like flies, just after getting injected with millions of toxic spike prions […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 most OUTRAGEOUS cover stories for when Covid-vaccine-induced HEART ATTACKS kill perfectly healthy teens and young adults
Blame anything but the Covid vaccines for causing healthy people to suddenly suffer heart attacks. That’s the mantra across the entire medical profession and all of mainstream media, as we are seeing the absolute worst and most absurd excuses splattered across the news. Besides the millions of spike protein prions that are clogging the vascular […]
By S.D. Wells
The POWER of the RIGHT question: The best questions about elections, vaccines, prescription medications, and food ingredients yield the best answers
How ironic that the Democrats running the country right now are persecuting anyone and everyone who questions the validity of the 2020 election, when they spent 4 long years questioning the 2016 election, using every tool in the box, including attempted impeachment, and of course, the daily news-splattered Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Now, the Democrats in […]
By S.D. Wells
DOUBLE STANDARD: MSM misinformation stays up on YouTube indefinitely while truth media is labeled “disinformation” and gets censored, even when true
The arbiters of so-called ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ of recent years are so far from impartial that they actually censor the truth about vital topics, even when undeniable proof exists. This is happening extensively in the arenas of health, safety, economics and national security. Fake news dominates the dissemination of nearly all news about these subjects, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 WORST INVENTIONS of the past century that decimate people’s health and safety
Throughout history, there are amazing inventions that improve our world, our lives and help us evolve. Some of those inventions, though, are utilized for evil purposes. Then, there are inventions that simply were designed for evil purposes, and that’s what this research reveals about 8 inventions that destroy people’s mind and body, and put their […]
By S.D. Wells
16 YEAR LIE: Evidence of liver damage from SARS vaccine dates back to 2004
The vaccine industrial complex (VIC) has pushed out the same propaganda for decades about the “safety and efficacy” of toxic jabs, always claiming the risks outweigh the benefits, but the pandemic mRNA jabs are by far a much greater risk than any so-called “vaccines” ever administered in history, and this has been known long before […]
By S.D. Wells
LEFTISTS in America do not practice the TOLERANCE they preach – watch ‘liberal’ fascist school administrators caught on video discriminating against race and religion
Democrats and Liberals across America preach that they are tolerant of all races, creeds and religions, and they scream out that conservatives and Republicans are just the opposite, but the truth of it all just got captured on video by Project Veritas, and it’s not so pretty on the Left after all. From principals to […]
By S.D. Wells
Fair’s fair: Since parents can sue Alex Jones for “emotional distress,” can 160 million Americans sue Fox News and MSM for lying about vaccine-induced injuries and death?
Thousands of court cases in American history have set the precedent for future litigation and even influenced their outcomes. Case in point: Parents of children who were reportedly killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting were awarded over $4 million in the defamation case against famous podcaster Alex Jones because he said the mass […]
By S.D. Wells
Most mass shooters are registered Democrats, not NRA members
It is very ironic that the politicians blame guns as the culprit of mass shootings when it’s almost always registered Democrats pulling the trigger. The Democrat politicians not only point the finger at the automatic or semi-automatic guns, but indirectly blame their own registered voters for the crimes, then try to illegally and unconstitutionally confiscate […]
By S.D. Wells
WaPo shill and drama queen “presstitute” Taylor Lorenz dramatizes her virus mania “PTSD” after CDC drops the entire Fauci Flu narrative
Not very long ago, virus mania had thousands of “fully-vaccinated” Americans treating the unvaccinated and the non-social-distancers like infectious lepers. Dirty looks from the mentally incapacitated, vaxxed-and-masked sheeple-herd could nearly put a healthy person six feet under. If you didn’t buy in 100 percent to the CDC-Fauci-Flu narrative, you were a “domestic terrorist” spreading the […]
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