News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
WHISTLEBLOWER: Seasoned cardiologist DESTROYS Big Pharma, statin drugs, covid vaccines on Tucker Carlson Show
Most Americans have no clue that the side effects from prescribed medications are the third leading cause of death worldwide, behind heart disease and cancer. The reason people don’t know this is because whistleblowers, even doctors and scientists, have been silenced and censored by mass media, where most of these “patients-for-life” get their news and […]
By S.D. Wells
Dr. Pierre Kory, critical care physician, proved IVERMECTIN was effective for COVID-19 treatment, but Big Pharma skewed his results
Back in 2014, three scientists won the Nobel Prize of Medicine for discovering how natural-based remedies, derived from plants and naturally occurring bacteria in soil, could kill parasites that cause river blindness and malaria. The names of those compounds are artemisinin and ivermectin, and are used by millions of people around the globe, and not […]
By S.D. Wells
“Trust the Science?” … or follow the MONEY and find out the science was faked? Pharma drives “science” outcomes to fit their desired endpoints – patented drug sales
We are all fiercely coerced to “trust the science” and “follow the science” in this country or be labeled an anti-science blasphemer, who is responsible for destroying lives, the environment, and ruining the entire advancement of civilization. Yet, the root of all science lives in questioning the science, rigorously always testing the science, re-examining it, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 REAL events that most Americans would swear were conspiracy theories if they were not ALREADY happening
There are plenty of conspiracy theories ‘out there’ that may just be wild guesses at how something happened in the past, or is currently happening now. Many so-called conspiracy theories are real, but are labeled as such because the perpetrators of the horrors and tragedies use that as their best cover up, because it’s easy. […]
By S.D. Wells
PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Prior to the pandemic, in July of 2019, the Health Ranger correctly predicted the VACCINE HOLOCAUST now taking place across the globe
Almost three-and-a-half years ago, the Health Ranger Mike Adams predicted the maiming, injuring, and murdering of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. He called it a Vaccine Holocaust that would be achieved by a coordinated censorship (led by the corrupt CDC) of “all criticism of vaccines across every tech platform,” including Google, Fakebook, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways the so-called “experts” of the scamdemic used misdirection to DEFLECT from the FAILURE of the mandates
The US government and the CDC intended, by hook or by crook, to perpetuate the useless and harmful pandemic mandates as long as they could, but now, every single one of them has been backpedaled, retracted, and debunked, even scientifically. By any possible means the medical industrial complex perpetuated fake science to keep the sheeple in the […]
By S.D. Wells
10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used
Are you aware that blood, cells, and organ tissue from cows, eagles, dogs, ferrets, chickens, and yes, human abortions, are used to manufacture the world’s most deadly vaccines? That’s why they’re called “dirty vaccines.” Most natural health advocates already know about thimerosal, which is 50 percent mercury, that crosses the blood-brain barrier thanks to the […]
By S.D. Wells
Popular air fresheners can cause major HEALTH PROBLEMS for humans breathing them in, studies claim
What emanates in your home may be burning down your health, slowly and methodically, and many consumers don’t even realize it until it’s too late. Chemicals in candles, air fresheners (including plug-ins), deodorants, aerosols, and smell-fresh sprays can intoxicate the atmosphere, enter the lungs, and cause chronic damage throughout the body, over time, say new […]
By S.D. Wells
Shady “Clean Label Project” seemingly running “black box” junk science operation that rates clean protein powders as contaminated based on sketchy “detectable” heavy metals claims
It is looking more and more like the “Clean Label Project” is just a huge scam project that falsely accuses certain protein powders of being heavily contaminated with heavy metals, when all they’re doing is pointing out that heavy metals were “detectable” at the parts per billion level. If this were the standard, nearly every […]
By S.D. Wells
Top media and entertainment stars who push back against Leftist-dominated Hollywood narratives, censorship
There is nothing Hollywood and mainstream media hate worse than celebrities and stars who speak the truth about massively important topics like censorship, elections, vaccines, and our constitutional liberties. For decades, Hollywood, Disney, and most celebrities toe the line when it comes to corrupt narratives that are fed to Americans through movies, shows, magazines, newspapers, […]
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