News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
New Zealand whistleblower who courageously exposed data on COVID vaccines killing citizens now faces a 7 year prison sentence
A New Zealand whistleblower, who exposed the mortality rate from individual COVID-19 vaccine lots, was arrested and faces an aggressive government retribution scheme that seeks to silence and punish him. Journalist Liz Gunn was first to interview the whistleblower, whose name is Barry Young. He worked for the New Zealand government and had access to […]
By Lance D Johnson
Never forget: The coronavirus pandemic, the government’s totalitarian actions, and the media’s propaganda were scripted back in 2019
At the 2019 Trinity Health Freedom Expo in Chicago, IL, an expert panel of speakers discussed the very real possibility of upcoming vaccine mandates and vaccine passports for travel. What sounded like conspiracy theory at the time, turned out to be reality just a few months later, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a […]
By Lance D Johnson
RIGGED: Two high-level FDA officials who approved Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine are now working for Moderna to develop new mRNA “vaccines”
What could be more dangerous in the field of medicine than government officials knowingly licensing dangerous medical experiments on the population, and then suddenly taking up new positions with the pharmaceutical companies that they were supposed to regulate? This revolving door of corruption is currently taking place between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and […]
By Lance D Johnson
Statins are the most prescribed drug with over-hyped benefits and downplayed side effects
The most prescribed class of drugs in the world – statins – have become one of the most controversial interventions in modern medicine. Hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA) inhibitors have been considered safe and effective for twenty years, yet doctors often over hype the benefits and downplay the side effects. There are six statin […]
By Lance D Johnson
STUDY: Cross-sex hormones increase heart disease risk in transvestites by 93%
Over the last fifteen years, a new industry has emerged, one that preys on the psychology of young adults and children, one that destabilizes, deforms and castrates people, with no regard for medical ethics. A new study finds that cross-sex hormones increase one’s risk of heart disease by 93%. These cross-sex hormones are the one-size-fits-all […]
By Lance D Johnson
Fauci, Walensky and the U.S. government knew that covid jabs were causing myocarditis and blood clots in early 2021, but hid this from the public
On August 29, 2023, the U.S. government was forced to release 472 pages of emails dated February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021. During this timeframe, the federal government carried out their liability-free contracts with Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, and disseminated their first round of experimental mRNA spike protein, which they claimed was […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC accidentally admits common masks are totally useless against COVID virus and other infections
For the fourth year in a row, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that individuals comply with strict public masking protocols to “prevent the spread of COVID-19.” Even after the expiration of the federal government’s Public Health Emergency Declaration on May 11, 2023, the CDC still recommends universal masking for everyone 2 […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA approved 24 drugs in 2022 based on a SINGLE study
Over the past three decades, the scientific method has systemically deteriorated, spurred by federal agencies that were meant to protect the public and uphold scientific standards but have instead sold out. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 37 drugs and medical products in 2022 based on scant anecdotal evidence. Shockingly, 24 of the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Global warming scare campaigns no longer use polar bears as props because polar bears are THRIVING
Global warming theory first became popularized when science publishers began to circulate pictures of polar bears dying in arctic waters, surrounded by melting icebergs. This visual of dying polar bears was etched in the public consciousness for years, driving climate activism, scientific funding, and political agendas. This wouldn’t be the first time that human empathy […]
By Lance D Johnson
The global depopulation agenda is more organized and well-funded than ever before in world history
Back in 1974, the U.S. government and other multinational interests grew concerned about worldwide population growth and how it implicates U.S. security and overseas interests. The declassified Kissinger Report unveils high-level, diabolical plans for population control and uncovers the government’s sinister intent for depopulation efforts in the U.S. and abroad. This grisly gambit of controlling […]
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