News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Public trust in Google COLLAPSING as millions of natural health readers discover the search engine is censoring Natural News
Google’s insidious censorship of the entire NaturalNews.com website has set off a firestorm of outrage across the independent media, with a wave of readers expressing astonishment and disgust at Google’s indiscriminate banning of the entire NaturalNews.com website for no justifiable reason. (They are now claiming a “violation of Webmaster Guidelines” which could mean anything they […]
By Mike Adams
Beyond fake news… How Google just became FAKE SEARCH by blacklisting independent journalism
You’ve already heard about FAKE NEWS, the mainstream media’s repeated fabrication of false facts portrayed as real. Who can forget the Washington Post’s ridiculous fabrication of a “Russian conspiracy theory” that claimed Natural News and 200 other independent websites were secretly run by the Kremlin? In just the last 10 days, in fact, five major […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger: I support all LGBT, African-Americans and lawful immigrants as long as they’re pro LIBERTY… because #AwakenedLivesMatter
A lot of people don’t know this, but my wife is a legal immigrant, my ancestry includes Native Americans (even Pocahontas, believe it or not), and I was raised in a multi-cultural social environment with many African-American friends, classmates and teammates. Because it’s incredibly easy for Trump supporters to be ceaselessly and falsely smeared as […]
By Mike Adams
President Trump unleashes his BEST TWEET EVER: The fake news media is “the enemy of the American People”
Echoing what an increasing number of Americans are rapidly coming to realize on their own, President Trump tweeted today that the “FAKE NEWS media” is “the enemy of the American People.” (See the tweet below.) In his tweet, he specifically named the “failing” NY Times, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN. Had twitter allowed more space, […]
By Mike Adams
Civil war is raging inside the Trump administration… can he excise the political tumor in time to save America?
The battle between anti-Trump careerists within the U.S. intelligence community and the commander-in-chief is getting more serious by the day. On Wednesday, in the aftermath of the resignation of Trump’s national security advisor, Michael Flynn – thought to be the first of many Trump national security team casualties to come – former NSA analyst and […]
By Mike Adams
GMwatch attacked by Kevin Folta’s stand-in troll at the American Enterprise Institute, a rat’s nest of corporate P.R. hucksters
The American Enterprise Institute is at it again, accusing opponents of toxic agriculture of starving people to death for not supporting GMOs and glyphosate. Remember, the AEI is a sinister cabal of “profit at all costs” Republican pesticide pushers, and its network of character assassins and malicious operatives includes the infamous Jon Entine, whom Natural […]
By Mike Adams
“Abortion quotas” set for clinics by Planned Parenthood; “salespeople” rewarded with pizza parties when abortion goals achieved
The sickening, murderous practices of the abortion industry are increasingly being exposed by investigative journalists across the independent media, and what they’re uncovering is beyond unethical… it’s grotesque… even Stalinesque in its evil. Today, Life Site News has gone public with an investigation that discovered Planned Parenthood is pushing abortion quotas onto clinics, turning workers […]
By Mike Adams
Media blackout over “unimaginable” radiation levels detected at Fukushima… MOX fuel melts through reactor floor… half life of 24,000 years
There are times when I’m convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality. While everyone was busy watching Lady Gaga channel Satanic symbolism and occult imagery in front of 100 million viewers at the Superbowl, the Fukushima nuclear accident […]
By Mike Adams
Global warming world map based largely on “fake science” … NOAA caught in blatant temperature data fraud
A new look at world temperature data claimed by the NOAA — the chief proponent of “climate change” theory — discovers that global warming temperature data points are fabricated for large regions across the globe. The NOAA simply fabricates temperature data wherever it wants, creating the false impression that global warming is backed by “credible […]
By Mike Adams
Enemies Within: President Trump Is In Extreme Danger
Original article and analysis by Dave Hodges of The Commonsense Show. President Trump may have escaped the clutches of Hillary Clinton. But can he escape the danger posed by the Democratic/Communist Party who are agents of the globalists and whose main goal is the destruction of the United States? The following comprise the “hit team” who […]
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