News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
TWISTED: According to bizarre Pentagon logic, Russia can now bomb the USA to stop vaccine violence against children
If you really look deeply at the “moral justification” behind the recent U.S. military strike in Syria, it all comes down to this simple argument: “Those children were being hurt by chemical violence, and we just HAD to do something to stop them!” Therefore, according to the Pentagon, anytime a nation anywhere in the world […]
By Mike Adams
The astonishing TRUE story of a CDC criminal conspiracy and the international fugitive from justice who faked vaccine research
If you don’t know the story of Poul Thorsen, CDC vaccine researcher, fraudster, con artist and international fugitive from justice, you don’t know the real story about the CDC at all. (And the vaccine industry hopes you never find out…) The best book on this subject is called Master Manipulator – The Explosive True Story […]
By Mike Adams
Sleepwalking toward World War III… like clockwork, the next 25-year cycle of mass human suffering and death begins NOW
America has become a zombie nation of hypnotized, socially-obedient conformist who are so disconnected from reality that when the bombs start falling, they won’t have any idea how they’ve been programmed to celebrate it all. Heavily dosed with medication, fluoride and heavy metals in vaccines, the American masses have become sleepwalking automatons… conformist consumers of […]
By Mike Adams
There are far more vaccine-damaged children in America than chemical weapons-damaged children in Syria
By now, you are surely aware that the U.S. war machine, under President Donald J. Trump, has launched cruise missiles against the Syrian government. The emotionally-charged justification for all this is that “beautiful babies” were being killed by chemical weapons. While the pro-war factions of the establishment elite are celebrating the missile strike, virtually the […]
By Mike Adams
Google, YouTube waging “demonetization” WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism
Independent media pioneer SGTReport.com is now the latest victim of the Google / YouTube “demonetization” censorship attack that’s explicitly targeting alternative media. “You Tube is changing the rules of the game, it’s not longer a level playing field. Not only are they flagging more and more videos as ‘not advertiser friendly’, for the past few […]
By Mike Adams
Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?
This is ten times bigger than Watergate… and it will likely see high-level Obama officials spending years in prison. The #SurveillanceGate story is blowing up all over the Democrats today as it is now revealed that Susan Rice, Obama’s former national security advisor, was part of a massive criminal conspiracy to surveil and “unmask” President Trump […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine Injury Denialism is the denial of fundamental human dignity… see this highly emotional video of children damaged by vaccines
Vaccine Injury Denialism is rampant across the mainstream media, where child-abusing vaccine pushers like the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN deliberately contribute to the holocaust of vaccine injuries now devastating humanity’s children. Sadly, the same denialism about the alarming growth in medical injuries caused by vaccines is also endemic across universities, science journals […]
By Mike Adams
How vaccine mandates violate WOMEN … the government vs. your human rights
Government-enforced vaccine mandates violate the bodies of women and their children, nullifying the fundamental human right which says that we own and control our own bodies. Yet thanks to the corrupt, criminal-minded vaccine industry, the government now claims it “owns” not only your body, but also the bodies of your children. And since the government […]
By Mike Adams
Groundbreaking docu-series launched: The Truth About Vaccines will be final nail in the coffin of vaccine industry LIES
A groundbreaking new docu-series has just been launched that will prove to be the final nail in the coffin of vaccine industry lies. It’s called The Truth About Vaccines, and registration is open as of today. You can register now at this link. The Truth About Vaccines features the world’s top experts on natural medicine, […]
By Mike Adams
Why every new generation is just another mindless herd that gets financially obliterated by another stock market bubble collapse
It’s always amazing to me how easily people suffer from popular delusions and the madness of crowds. Most humans are, in essence, herd animals, meaning that their beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and even their “facts” are determined almost entirely by social conformity rather than evidence of reality. Seemingly unique to humans is the ability to cognitively […]
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