News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Netflix begins SCIENCE PURGE to remove all genetics education from science videos in order to appease Left-wing “gender fluid” lunatics like Bill Nye
People laughed when I predicted in this Bill Nye story about how he thinks transgenderism is “evolution” that California would begin purging genetics education from its textbooks to appease the lunatic Left. Not even two weeks after my prediction, Netflix has already begun its Orwellian purge of science education from older videos, “stealth editing” genetics […]
By Mike Adams
Humanity has reached peak idiocy… what happens when the idiocy bubble bursts?
It has now become abundantly obvious to all thinking people that humanity has reached “peak idiocy.” This cognitive bubble of idiocy is reflected across all the following suicidal, destructive things that humanity does to itself in the name of power or profit: The ramping up toward nuclear war with Russia and China. “[T]he insane, crazed […]
By Mike Adams
Carbon dioxide “pollutant” myth totally DEBUNKED in must-see science video
As part of the new Health Ranger Science effort at public education on crucial science issues of our time, I’ve just released this truly must-see video that totally debunks the false narrative of carbon dioxide as a “pollutant.” As you’ll see explained in the video below, climate change alarmists use visual trickery and deceit to […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine skepticism is rooted in rational science, while vaccine zealotry is pushed under the “cult of scientism”
Ever notice how every attack on so-called “anti-vaxxers” (a demeaning medical slur, the equivalent of the “N word” in science) begins with the assumption that they must be completely crazy? That’s a tactic. It’s designed to dismiss the rational science behind vaccine skepticism, even as the evidence keeps mounting that toxic vaccine ingredients are incredibly […]
By Mike Adams
If you believe in transgenderism (spontaneous genetic transmutation), you don’t believe in REAL SCIENCE at all
It’s beyond hilarious: Those marching for “science” in Washington are so steeped in the fake science of man-made climate change that they’ve now fallen for the wildly fake “science” of transgenderism. You can’t believe in biological transgenderism and science at the same time. The two ideas are mutually exclusive. (But that doesn’t stop Bill Nye […]
By Mike Adams
PURE EVIL: How Google steals content, crushes small publishers and monopolizes the internet for profit
If you don’t yet realize how Google has become the most EVIL corporation in the world, check out this article from TheWeek.com which reveals how Google steals content from small publishers, crushes their revenue, puts them out of business and monopolizes the internet. The article, entitled, “Google is a monopoly — and it’s crushing the […]
By Mike Adams
Did Google just surpass Monsanto as the world’s most EVIL corporation?
For a very long time, Monsanto has been known as the world’s most evil corporation for promoting poison, monopolizing the seed supply and suing farmers after contaminating their fields with GMOs. But now, Google seems to have supplanted Monsanto, taking the prize as the world’s most evil corporation for its outrageous censorship, collusion with spy […]
By Mike Adams
Breast cancer BOMBSHELL: Women being CONNED into mastectomy surgery by doctors who SCARE them with false genetic testing results, warn Stanford medical researchers
Women all across America are being conned into medically unnecessary breast removal surgery (bilateral mastectomy surgery) by doctors who scare them with “fake science” by falsely describing genetic testing results, warn researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Women who have harmless genetic variants called VUS (Variants of Uncertain Significance) are falsely being told […]
By Mike Adams
Collapse.news publishes comprehensive list of REAL assets that hold their value through nuclear war, social chaos or global debt collapse
As our world accelerates toward nuclear war, global debt collapse and widespread civil unrest, nearly everyone foolishly holds their assets in electronic form, somehow believing that banks, governments and fiat currencies will magically hold value as the world falls apart. Wise people understand that only REAL assets will survive the next great collapse… and those […]
By Mike Adams
How to stay SANE in an INSANE world (and why YOU are important for the rebuilding of human society)
For those of us who are awake, aware and conscious, the world looks increasingly insane… perhaps even hopeless. The emotional whiplash of political elections, outbreaks of war, government lies and cultural insanity can take a real toll on a person’s sense of hope for our world, and far too many goodhearted, sensitive people are right […]
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