News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Ten things you don’t know about the “Bitcoin casino” that could cause you to lose everything
As there are so many noobs buying into the “Bitcoin casino” right now, especially in Asia, the crypto-currency is now attracting a lot of people who think it’s just like a corporate stock. In other words, they assume it’s regulated by somebody, that its promoters are subject to laws of some kind, and that the […]
By Mike Adams
Bombshell: James Comey willfully LIED to America about Hillary Clinton criminal investigation after being pressured by Loretta Lynch
Multiple, shocking revelations are now being learned from the James Comey testimony on Capitol Hill. First, the testimony hasn’t revealed a single shred of evidence to support the delusional conspiracy theory that claims “the Russians hacked the election” for Donald Trump. If anything, Comey’s testimony underscores the knowledge that the Russians are NOT engaged in […]
By Mike Adams
From Bitcoin to climate change: The top 10 things you probably believe that are complete bulls##t
Public discourse in our twisted, collapsing society has now devolved to the point where most of what the general public believes is complete bulls##t. The aim of this article, of course is to point out a few of the most impressive bulls##t piles currently occupying the minds of the delusional masses. The “you” in the […]
By Mike Adams
Trump just SAVED America from the disastrous Paris Climate Treaty fraud
Instead of being attacked and criticized by the delusional, mindless Left that has abandoned all reason and logic, President Trump should be THANKED for saving America from the horrendous Paris Climate Treaty fraud. The entire narrative of global warming and “climate change” has been rooted in deliberate scientific fraud from the very start. Even the […]
By Mike Adams
Global warming “hockey stick” data founded on FRAUD… computer models “hacked” to produce warming trend from any data set
“The hockey stick debate is thus about two things. At a technical level it is about flaws in methodology and erroneous results in a scientific paper. But at a political level, the debate is about whether the IPCC betrayed the trust of governments around the world.” – Professor Ross McKitrick, 2005 In late 2016, the […]
By Mike Adams
Mainstream media COMPLICIT in excusing global terrorism as London suffers deadly ISIS-linked attack: 7 dead, 49 hospitalized
The latest ISIS-linked terror attack has killed 7 and hospitalized 49 people in London, even as the insanely delusional “progressive” media insists there’s “no reason to be alarmed” while radical Islamic fundamentalism wages open warfare on Western civilization. The mayor of London, a practicing Muslim, practically denounced anyone concerned with the terror attack that just […]
By Mike Adams
The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE against plants, forests and all life on our planet
The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all plant life across our planet. That’s because all plants depend on CO2 for their very survival. It’s the “oxygen” for plants, and right now trees, grasses and food crops are starving for […]
By Mike Adams
Five new websites that document the stupid, insane and unexplained events in our twisted world
Yes, our world is collapsing into Idiocracy, with runaway stupidity now the norm across the mainstream media, government bureaucracies and much of the population. To document some of the twisted, bizarre events taking place across our collapsing civilization, we’ve launched several new websites that bring you the daily stories that will blow your mind and […]
By Mike Adams
The bombings have only just begun: “Progressive” Western civilization is slaughtering itself by foolishly appeasing those who seek to destroy it
I’m not going to get into the details of the ISIS terrorist attack at the Grande concert in the UK except to say that it is truly just the beginning of the slaughter yet to come. Western civilization, you see, has become obsessed with self-induced idiocy and political correctness that’s so insane, its political leaders […]
By Mike Adams
Dirty dairy industry launches propaganda war on clean food (video)
The dirty dairy industry doesn’t merely push dirty products contaminated with blood, pus and feces, it also uses dirty tactics to try to terrorize people who choose not to consume their filthy products. The latest disinfo propaganda campaign from the dirty dairy industry involves a major media push to try to scare people into thinking […]
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